BCBoys Blog and New Website

Volume 1 – Number 1
Here’s the spot on our new website were we will provide tidbits of very important information. Information that you will be surprised that you were able to do without for so long. The first thing we want to tell you about is: we have this spot on our new website were we will provide tidbits of very important information. Information that you will be surprised that you were able to do without for so long. Yes, it is the BCB Blog (BCBlog)! So, check back frequently. We promise to update it as much as we can. Somewhere between several times a day and once a year. We’re hoping closer to the former, not the latter.
Disclaimer: opinions expressed in the spot on our new website were we will provide tidbits of very important information are the opinion of the writer, not necessarily the other three guys, or anybody else involved with the band for that matter.

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